Francesco Corona

Dept. of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering | School of Chemical Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science | School of Science
Aalto University | Web and email

25th Nordic Process Control Workshop | Jan 15-17, 2025 at the Aalto University

Home | Teaching | Research | Papers | Supervision | Positions

Ongoing research themes

  • Modelling, estimation, and control of biochemical/chemical systems
  • Verification and safety of biochemical/chemical systems
  • Bioenergetics of cellular reaction networks
  • Dynamic noncooperative game theory
  • Optimal and robust control
  • Graph-theoretic control

Completed projects

  • Digitalisation of chemical reactors (2019-2021 | FI)
  • Process control tecnologies for water reuse (2019 | BR, FR, SE, FI)
  • Model-based data science, with applications for environmental systems (2019 | BR)
  • Advanced machine learning and information visualisation for environmental systems (2014 | BR)
  • Advanced data management and informatics for optimal operation and control of wastewater treatment plants (2012 | FI, SE, ES)
  • Research on automation technologies for wastewater treatment plants in the era of data explosion (2012 | FI)
  • Assessment and modelling of Baltic ecosystem response (2009 | FI, DE, SE, LT, PL)
  • Developing chemometrics with the tools of information sciences (2007 | FI)

Proposals | Decision pending

  • Actionable Wastewater Treatment Plants (aWWTPs)
    • [2024] Academy of Finland | PI, 3-year research projection

    Recent proposals | Unsuccessful

  • Sustainable urban water quality management system supported by holistic AI monitoring approach (AI2QWATER)
    • [2024] Horizon | PI, 3-year research project
  • Autonomous water resource recovery facilities through optimal and robust control
    • [2024] TES Foundation | PI, PhD research
    • [2024] KAUTE Foundation | PI, PhD research
    • [2023] Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation | PI, PhD research
    • [2022] Fortum and Neste Foundation | PI, PhD research
    • [2022] Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation | PI, PhD research
  • Stochastic bioenergetics of carbon fixation (CFIXnrg)
    • [2024] Center for Young Synbio Scientists | PI, PhD research
  • Non-equilibrium bioenergetics of carbon-fixation (compCFIX)
    • [2023] Academy of Finland/HPC | PI, 3-year research project
  • Sustainable engineering for the transition into a responsible production system
    • [2022] Horizon/MSCA | PI, 3-year research project
  • State estimation for the stochastic chemostat
    • [2022] Walter Ahlström Foundation | PI, PhD research
    • [2023] Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation | PI, PhD research
  • Actionable Wastewater Treatment Plants (aWWTPs)
    • [2022] Academy of Finland | PI, 3-year research projection
    • [2021] Academy of Finland | PI, 3-year research project
  • Mainstreaming water reuse into the circular economy paradigm (Water4Reuse)
    • [2021] COST Action | Partner
  • Viable agriculture: Sustainable synergies in crop management from integrated recycling of liquid and solid wastewater
    • [2021] Novonordisk | PI, 3-year Postdoc fellowship
  • Autonomous water resource recovery facilities (aWRRF)
    • [2021] Tech Finland/Future Makers | PI, 3-year research project
  • Sustainable wastewater treatment plants through optimal and robust control
    • [2021] CHEM Dean's grant | PI, PhD research project
  • Safe water for reuse (safewater4reuse)
    • [2020] WaterJPI/AquaticPollutants | PI, 3-year research project
  • Innovative circular economy solution for stainless steel slag modular high value product pilot plan (MOHIVASlag)
    • [2020 ]Horizon | PI, 4-year research project
  • Planet-based collaborative infrastructure for sustainable e-WAste Management
    • [2020] CHIST-ERA | PI, 3-year research project

    Recent proposals | Successful

  • Mainstreaming water reuse into the circular economy paradigm (Water4Reuse)
    • [2023] COST Action | FI responsible partner
  • Stochastic filtering of chemical and biochemical systems
    • [2021] CHEM/Dean | PI, PhD research

        March 2024.