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Teaching at AALTO/HUT and UFC
Statistical data treatment (Aalto - CHEM-E7122 | 2024)
Analysis and simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion systems (Aalto - CHEM-LV03 | 2022)
Lecture notes:
Advanced process control (Aalto - CHEM-E7165/7225 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025)
Recent lecture notes:
Recent assignments:
Process dynamics and control (Aalto - CHEM-E7140/7190 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024)
Recent lecture notes:
Recent exercises/assignments:
Topics in artificial intelligence (UFC - CK0146/0261, undergrad | 2016 | 2017 | 2019)
Programming (UFC - CK0030, undergrad | 2017 | 2018 | 2019)
Artificial intelligence (UFC - CK0031/0248, undergrad | 2016 | 2017 | 2018)
Topics in machine learning (UFC - CK0255, undergrad | 2017 | 2018)
Stochastic algorithms (UFC - CK0191, undergrad | 2018)
Linear system theory (UFC - TIP7244, postgrad | 2018)
Probability and random variables (UFC - TIP8241, postgrad | 2017)
Pattern recognition (UFC - TIP8311, postgrad | 2015)
System estimation and identification (UFC - TIP7048, postgrad | 2015)
Information Visualization(HUT/Aalto - T-61.5010 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014)
Multivariate Data Analysis for Chemometrics (HUT - T-61.6050 | 2008)
Introductory Elements of Functional Data Analysis (HUT - T-61.6030 | 2007)
Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction (HUT - T-61.6050 | 2007)
Intensive at AALTO/HUT/UNICA
Introduction to machine learning (Aalto | 2025)
A series of lectures for the tutorial session of the Nordic Process Workshop (NPCW) 2025
Chemometric data analysis: Fundamental methods (Aalto | 2020)
A series of lectures designed for the course `Advances in crystallization and crystal characterization techniques'
Linear Methods for Quantitative Analysis in Light Spectroscopy (HUT - T-61.5050, 2007)
A series of lectures designed with Elia Liitiäinen to the course `High-throughput bioinformatics'. The course was organized by Janne Nikkilä, Petri Auvinen and Leo Lahti
Workshop on Functional Data Analysis (HUT - T-61.6900 | 2008)
A series of lectures by Prof. Jim Ramsay. The course was organized jointly with Timo Hurme and Elia Liitiäinen
Data-derived methods for process monitoring and supervision (UNICA | 2012)
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction (UNICA | 2011)
Support material | Basics (in progress, just started adding the material here)
- Matrix algebra for engineers: Functions, Fields and vector spaces, Subspaces and basis, Linear maps, Matrix representations of linear maps, Change of basis, Norms, Induced norms, Orthogonality and adjoints, Hermitian matrices, SVD
- Linear algebra: TBA
- Probability theory: Elementary intuition, Measure theory, Probability concepts and tools, Independence, Dependence, Analysis
- Laplace transforms for engineers: Definitons and properties, Rational functions, Differential equations
- Circuits, signals and systems: Elements, Laplace and z-transforms, Convolution, System function and frequency response, Synthesis, Fourier series and integrals,
- Thermodynamics: TBA
- Machine learning: Learning theory and learnability, Learning methods, Advanced learning theory
April 2024.