Francesco Corona

Dept. of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering | School of Chemical Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science | School of Science
Aalto University | Web and email

25th Nordic Process Control Workshop | Jan 15-17, 2025 at the Aalto University

Home | Teaching | Research | Papers | Supervision | Positions

Teaching at AALTO/HUT and UFC

Intensive at AALTO/HUT/UNICA

  • Chemometric data analysis: Fundamental methods (Aalto | 2020)

    A series of lectures designed for the course `Advances in crystallization and crystal characterization techniques'

  • Linear Methods for Quantitative Analysis in Light Spectroscopy (HUT - T-61.5050, 2007)

    A series of lectures designed with Elia Liitiäinen to the course `High-throughput bioinformatics'. The course was organized by Janne Nikkilä, Petri Auvinen and Leo Lahti
  • Workshop on Functional Data Analysis (HUT - T-61.6900 | 2008)

    A series of lectures by Prof. Jim Ramsay. The course was organized jointly with Timo Hurme and Elia Liitiäinen
  • Data-derived methods for process monitoring and supervision (UNICA | 2012)

  • Nonlinear dimensionality reduction (UNICA | 2011)

Support material | Basics (in progress, just started adding the material here)

April 2024.